The friend who found Bobbi Kristina Brown unconscious in a bath tub has spoken out about that tragic night.

Max Lomas, who dated Bobbi Kristina when they were teenagers and remained friends with her and her partner Nick Gordon, told People magazine the young singer wasn't breathing when he found her in the bathroom of her Roswell, Georgia home on January 31, 2015.

And he revealed Bobbi Kristina and Nick had had a big fight earlier in the evening, when she accused him of cheating with a stripper.

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Tragic deaths: Bobbi Kristina Brown with her mother Whitney Houston at the 2009 American Music Awards in Los Angeles

Tragic deaths: Bobbi Kristina Brown with her mother Whitney Houston at the 2009 American Music Awards in Los Angeles

'I knocked on the door, and that is when I see her floating in the water,' Max, who also called 911, told People.

'I pull her out - the water is freezing - and lay her on her back. She wasn't breathing.'


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Bobbi Kristina had been angry earlier about the men's trip to a strip club, but the trio had reconciled and were hanging out in her room later in the evening, he said.

Max later discovered his ex-girlfriend unconscious in the bath tub. But he admits he was doing drugs that evening and can't remember chunks of time.

'When you are living that kind of lifestyle, it's hard to remember each day,' he said. 'They all kind of blended together.'

Controversial relationship: Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon attended a Grammy tribute to Whitney Houston in LA in late 2012

Controversial relationship: Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon attended a Grammy tribute to Whitney Houston in LA in late 2012

Bobbi Kristina, who was the daughter of legendary singer Whitney Houston and her ex-husband Bobby Brown, died at the age of 22 in Georgia in July last year, after months in a coma.

Max admitted he, Bobbi Kristina and Nick  - who he is no longer friends with - 'were all bad into drugs,' and that he had reached out to her aunt Pat Houston to plan an intervention.

Bobbi Kristina and Nick had a tumultuous relationship full of 'extreme highs and lows' and 'fights over jealousy,' he told the magazine.

Troubled past: Max Lomas, seen in a mug shot for a 2014 arrest, says Bobbi Kristina wasn't breathing when he found her in the bath in January, 2015

Troubled past: Max Lomas, seen in a mug shot for a 2014 arrest, says Bobbi Kristina wasn't breathing when he found her in the bath in January, 2015

The night of her death, things were 'shaky,' with the couple accusing each other cheating after he and Nick visited a strip club earlier that night, he revealed.

'Things were shaky. They were just trying to stay out of each other's way,' Max said. 

Bobbi Kristina's ex-boyfriend Nick - who was taken in and raised as a son by Whitney before getting together with Bobbi Kristina after her mother was also tragically found dead in a bath tub on February 11, 2012 - has been repeatedly accused of foul play by her family.

Volatile relationship: Things between Bobbi Kristina and Nick 'were shaky' at the time of her death, Max said

Volatile relationship: Things between Bobbi Kristina and Nick 'were shaky' at the time of her death, Max said

In April, a judge unsealed Bobbi Kristina's autopsy report, which showed that her face being immersed in water, along with drug intoxication, led to her death. 

Cannabis, alcohol, sedatives and anxiety medications in her system all contributed to her passing but the 'underlying cause' of death was 'immersion associated with drug intoxication'.

The medical examiner couldn't determine whether her death was an accident. 

Max met and dated Bobbi Kristina as teenagers, until he was incarcerated in 2011, and they remained friends.

Nick, 20, was slapped with a $40 million wrongful death civil suit by her estate, which alleged he abused Bobbi Kristina during their relationship. He has vehemently denied having anything to do with her death.

Troubled: A young Bobbi Kristina with her parents Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown in 2104

Troubled: A young Bobbi Kristina with her parents Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown in 2104


